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February 27, 2008

Starbucks: Where Everbody Pretends To Know Your Name, Again

Normal_starbucks_logo_rgb After hearing all the hype about Starbucks' decision to close their stores for 3 hours yesterday for intensive retraining, I knew I had to go in after they conducted the training and see what the fuss was all about. Though I've only once been disappointed when walking out of a Starbucks, I'm happy to report that I did notice one difference in this experience than I had in my previous dozen-or-so visits. The visible change was minor, but reflecting on it, I can honestly say I forgot what I was missing, and I'm glad it's back.

The Past
My last several ordering experiences at Starbucks started off with me picking a drink (or asking about one) and having someone call out, loudly, whatever it is I ordered.

"Venti Carmel Macchiato. NEXT PLEASE."

Then I would wait around for a few minutes until someone barked out the same words to tell me that my order was ready, and the words would run together so as to make them nearly indistinguishable.

"VentiCarmelMacchiatto. Thankyouhaveaniceday.

It wasn't always that way, though. They used to ask for my name when they took my order, and then call me by name when my order was ready.

What's in a name?
Now, I have one of those nicknames, "Cam," that people usually don't understand off the bat, unless I express it in its elongated, legal form, Cameron.  When I first tell people my name, the conversation goes something like this:

Them: "Ken?"

Me: "No. Cam."

Them: "Kim??"

Me: "No. CAM. Seee - Aay - Em."

Them: "Oh, CAM! Is that short for..."

Anyway, it can go on like this for a few minutes, up until I explain to them that the etymology of the name is Scottish Gaelic for "Crooked nose," which usually produces a little chuckle and is a natural stopping point  for the conversation so that we can conduct whatever business we joined to conduct.

The Present
This morning when I went in, I chatted a bit with the cashier about what was new on the menu (a honey latte) and subsequently ordered it.

"Venti honey latte triple espresso."

Then, the barista who took the order did something I wasn't expecting.

He asked for my name, and he did it in a way as if he were meeting a new friend.

Him: "Cam?"

Me: "Yes."

A few minutes later, another barista looked me in the eyes, smiled, and called my name out like she had known me her whole life.

Her: "Cam?"

Me: "That's me."

Her: "Here you go! Thank you!"

That was it? Three hours of training and all that changed was that you called me by name?

Well, yes. At least on the surface, but here's why the difference is significant:

There is nothing sweeter to a man's ears than the sound of his own name. Do it with a smile, and it's disarming. Look the person in the eye when you say it, and it's endearing.

If that were the only difference in service Starbucks will give me over the 20-cent-less-expensive equivalent coffee at McDonald's, I would go to Starbucks. 

As for the honey latte -- not my favorite. But I know it's always hit or miss when you try something new. Next time, when I order the Carmel Macchiato again, I know it will be a home run. - Cam Beck

P.S. If you have an experience (similar or different) with Starbucks since the retraining you'd like to share, please do so. I'd love to hear it.


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It's all in the details, especially at companies that differentiate themselves not on products but on customer experiences. Thank for sharing Cam.

Thanks Cam.

For (a) saving me from ordering a honey latte and (b) a very funny post.

I agree that being called by your own name is one of those tricks we're all suckers for.

It's also something that upscale hotel chains like the Four Seasons put a lot of stock in.

Works on me.

Nice post, Cam. I for one fear the reappearance of the Starbucks' name-calling. Because I have no regular local stop, With every drink order I will always have to answer the "What's your name?" question. I too have a name that begs repeating from most baristas. "Todd?" "Bob?" "Rob?" I just started giving them my nickname "Pablo" because it has two syllables. But they even screw that up: "Rob Lowe?!" It's a beating that I'd like to avoid. Perhaps I'll just go with "Betty" from now on. Starbucks can tinker all they want. But with the slight downturn in the economy, they might have to tinker with more than names to get any real positive result on their luxury product.

Maybe the three hours were spent practicing sincerity and eye contact, to supplement the one new/old tactic.

I rarely go to Starbucks, so I'd be interested in hearing from others if the "big training" was merely a marketing ploy or if noticeable changes are actually being implemented.

Obviously Starbucks knows that using a customer's name when serving them, helps to build rapport and leverage customer loyalty. I agree with Lisa, it will be interesting to see if there are any "real" or significant changes from the 3 hour "speed training" they conducted.

Personally I am a fan of Dunkin Donuts coffee :).

Have a great day... and then some.

Heidi Richards Mooney, Publisher & Editor in Chief - WE Magazine for Women

Cam - I went to my neighborhood Starbucks for the first time since this training and I noticed absolutely no difference. And they didn't even ask me for my name.

Lewis - And I should mention that a product can be part of the customer experience, but the consumer should always be at the center.

Toad - You may end up liking the honey latte. It just didn't suit me.

Pablonius - I can only imagine. "Betty" works, but have you considered "Fred?"I'm partial to "Fred." Don't know why.

Lisa - I read in a USA Today article that one of the big things they focused on was the edict that baristas measure espresso in a shot glass before adding. Not sure how that adds value. I didn't even notice.

Heidi - There aren't many Dunkin' Donuts down here, but I remember them fondly.

John - It's possible that I just got lucky. The name thing may not have been part of the grand training scheme. Someone else told me the same thing you did.

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